Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Vlog: March for Life 2010

Ok. So I started a blog and then didn't add anything new for a very long time... good start I know. Anyways! Here is a Vlog, as well as a montage of videos and pictures, taken at the March For Life protest against abortion here in Ottawa, Canada. These are not all my pictures, but as I had the awesome opportunity to be the MC, most of the "bird's eye" pictures and all the videos (but one) are mine.

Hope ya'll enjoy it!!!


Friday, April 30, 2010

Time to brag...

Over the last little while I have toyed with the idea of starting a blog. My friends always tell me that I should just "start writing" about anything and everything.

Well today seems like a good day to start as I presented in my very first big, scary, and international conference. On normal occasions I don't like to brag - even though I have to admit I am getting over this quite quickly - but today I am going to happily tell you how proud I am of myself and my co-presenter. We were the only students presenting... and not only students but undergraduates! Our professor, and mentor for the project, told us that 8 is a good turn out for a presentation... we had over 30 people come to see our work - including the main speakers and head researchers in our fields!

Just for an extremely basic overview: in October myself and my friend Neeko started working on our "end of semester project" for a class dealing with Multicultural issues in the context of a classroom. As we realized we had misconceptions on the term "multiculturalism" we wanted to know if our peers did too... so... we rented a camera and started interviewing! After hard work, crazy difficulties (including the computer crashing, running out of memory, and losing all the music the day it was due...) we presented our documentary film "Are We?" to our classmates. Even though the showing did not go as planned... it was a hit.

By February we had been asked to present it in the conference mentioned above. What will the future hold? No idea! but in my opinion our work is not finished. After the presentation, we were invited to come to a few universities and government events; we are going of course! The support so far has been incredible. We were so amazed to see how many of our old and current professors turned up with smiles of pride on their faces. Also, it was so great to see a large group of friends and peers cheering us on.

What an experience! Pictures and videos coming soon!